得意的叫道:“there are six hostages here. you have no condition to bargain ith me. if you don't meet our requirements, i ill kill them all.(这里一共有六名人质,你没有条件和我讨价还价,如果你不满足我们的条件的话,我就会把他们全都杀光的)!”
“ell, tell me about your terms. as long as you can release the hostages, you can say anything.(好吧,你说说你们的条件,只要你能释放人质,什么都好说)!”
““olf blood“! i ant you to study the ne “olf blood“ here.(狼血!我要你们这里研究的新狼血!)”里边的人肆无忌惮的叫嚣着。